Monday, October 20, 2014

Diminished Sexual Desire and solutions

1. Lack of interest in sex for more than two months.
2. Avoidance of sex, a low level of sexual activity in couples or anxiety about sex.
3. Sometimes premature ejaculation, pain during intercourse, impotence or inability to have an orgasm.

What to do now
1.Experiment with your sex life, have sex in different place, in different style, and at different another times of days.
2. If you are feeling anxious about your ability to perform sexually, discuss these feelings with your sex partner.
3. Talk to your partner about what arouses you sexually.
4. You should try reading sex magazine books, watching sex videos, and try you come back your real sexy life.

When to call a doctor
1. If diminished sexual desire is causing problems in your relationship.
2. If you develop problems such as impotence or pain during intercourse.
3. If you don’t respond to self-measures; you may have an illness.
4. If you think a medication is the cause.
5. If you are depressed.

How to prevent it
1. Take steps to reduce stress.
2. Exercise regularly and eat healthy items; get plenty of sleep.
3. Devote time to your relationship.
4. Try to solve problems in your relationship before they build up.

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