Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cankers Sores of Mouth

Signs and Symptoms
1. In general white, gray, or yellowish, (with a red rim) small, painful, craterlike sores on the gums, tongue, and inside the lips.
2. Tingling or burning sensations just before a sore appears.
3. Pain that may increase when eating or talking.
4. Fever and swollen glands (sometimes).
What to Do Now
Many home treatments can ease the discomfort of canker sores. Such as:
1. Rinse your mouth about five times a day with a cup of warm water mixed with a half teaspoon of salt. Don’t swallow.
2. Apply a paste of baking soda and water.
3. Use an ice cube on the sore.
4. Avoid spicy, sour, or acidic foods, which may irritate the sores.
5. Use an over-the-counter salve or an antiseptic mouthwash. (It will be better if you can find a medicine that contains glycerin, which protest the sore, and peroxide, which fights bacteria)
When to Call a Doctor
1. If you have severe pain. Your doctor many prescribe painkillers or antibiotics.
2. If the sores persist for longer than three weeks; this indicates a more serious problem, such as oral cancer.
3. If you develop sores and a fever of 100 degrees of higher, or swollen glands.
4. If you suspect that tooth or denture problems are causing your canker sores. Talk to a dentist; the sores may not heal until the underlying cause is fixed.
How to Prevent It
1. Clean your teeth gently with a soft brush, and floss regularly.
2. Avoid foods that seem to trigger the sores.
3. Take a multivitamin/mineral supplement.
4. Use toothpaste that’s free of the detergent sodium Lauryl sulfate, which may dry out the mouth’s lining and leave the insides of the cheeks and the gums vulnerable to irritants.

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