Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Classification of Epithelial tissue with example

Definition: Epithelia tissue, or an epithelium (pleural epithelia), is a sheet of cells that covers the body surface, lines body cavities, and forms certain, and forms certain glands.
Important characteristics of epithelial tissue.
*  Consists of maximum cellular element and very little extracellular matrix. 
The cells are either single or multiple layers which usually lie on a basement       membrane.·         
* Avascular (absence of blood vessels).
Classify of Epithelial tissue
* Epithelium is classified by arrangement as 
* Simple, (one layer of cells) 
* Stratified, (more than one layer of cells)
Epithelum is also classified by cell shape as squamous, cuboidal, or columnar.

Table: Classification of covering epithelial-
Cell Shape
Number of cell layers
Simples Squamish
Stratified squamous

Simple cuboidal
Stratitied cuboidal

Simple columnar
Stratitied columnar

Pseudostratified Columnar

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